Snow Globe Sorta

January 03, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

A frosty morning and a flurry this afternoon for Asheville left me feeling like I was working in a snow globe at the Miles Building on Wall Street in Downtown. Once I threaded my way home through snowflakes and traffic, I started a fire in the hearth and noticed the yard art working its magic. One of the big gazing balls in the yard was its own snow globe, but instead of an interior view, it reflected the tiny rose of sunset amongst a cloudy dark swirl of flurries back over the house. I love how shiny things can replicate and reverse perspective! Voila! I probably have snow globes on my mind after reading this neat article about the beginnings of snow globes in Smithsonian Magazine. I'm going to go grab a cup of something warm and watch the winter weather do its thing!


SNow GLobe SortaGazing ball on a table during short flurries reflects the sunset.


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