The Pupstars: Kilroy and Dorothy

January 05, 2025  •  Leave a Comment

 I'm late to post yesterday's photo but such is life when you're living it. I'll get Sunday's photo up later this afternoon once I figure out what that is. It will take a while to retrain myself in the rhythm of getting out the big SLR camera, instead of taking the shortcut and using the phone's camera. The differences in photo quality are stunning and I am surprised that I forgot how much I love working with my big rig. I'll have to invest in a better small bag system for day trips with the puppies that don't need ALL the lenses. Yesterday's walk with the old hip bag was clunky and uninspiring, mostly because I had access trouble with the bag.

But really, test shots are just an excuse to focus on the real stars of our show, our Doxy-Beagle Pupstars, Dorothy and Kilroy. We brought them home a year ago and they are the center act every day from breakfast until the squirrels go to bed; it's always something with these two. They'll be getting a lot of face time here in the coming year as they are our key motivation to get out and explore. They would like me to know, right now, that they are ready to get those leashes on and get moving! There's a whole day out there just waiting to be sniffed!


The PupstarsOur Doxy-Beagles Kilroy and Dorothy. They're the stars of the show,we're just the stage hands.


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